
Pastor’s Corner for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Year C, by Fr. Nobert Munekani SJ


Today is the Feast of Assumption of our Blessed Mother Mary into Heaven both Body and Soul. This is explained in details (by Pope Pius XII on November 1, 1950, during the Feast of All Saints) in the Apostolic Constitution of “Munificentissimus Deus – Defining the Dogma of the Assumption”. It says 

That the Immaculate Mother of God, the ever-Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory. Munificentissimus Deus – Defining the Dogma of the Assumption  

 We commemorate Her Glorious Assumption into Heaven every time we pray the Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. The Virgin Mary, the Revered Mother of our Lord, is joined in a hidden way with Jesus Christ in the same decree of predestination. Just as St. Elizabeth said that she is blessed among women, she triumphed over sin and all its consequences and thus, just like Her Son, she earned the privilege of being exempted from the degradation and decay of the tomb. She, therefore, overcame death and so, was raised up, both body and soul, to the Glory of Heaven, where She, as queen, is always seated at the right hand of Her Son our Lord Jesus Christ.

St. John Damascene, in reference to Mary in the 8th century, said, “Thy pure and spotless body was not left in the earth, but the abode of the Queen, of God’s true Mother, was fixed in the heavenly kingdom alone.”  

 Our Blessed Virgin Mary is always available to pray for us and to deliver our prayers to His Son our Lord Jesus Christ. As stated above, she sits at the right hand of her Son, so let’s all pray through her to plead to Her Son to shower us with mercies and grace. She is the best gift that we Catholic Faithful have found and embraced.

What can we learn for our practical life about this dogma of the glorious Assumption of our Blessed Mother? Here, we have some practical applications that will help us to follow the Lord Jesus Christ more faithfully, as His mother did:

~ Mary’s Assumption gives us hope in the resurrection of our own bodies

~ Mary is our heavenly mother, and she always intercedes for us with Jesus, her Son.

~ Mary loves us as her own children, and she shows us how to trust.

~ Her humility provides us with a perfect example of living.

Fr. Nobert Munekani SJ

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