Pastor’s Corner for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A, by Fr. Nobert Munekani SJ
On the 2nd Sunday of the Season of Creation, the scriptures called us to accept our prophetic responsibility in love to invite each other to conversion and care for creation in these times of ecological crisis. The readings this Sunday remind us not to let our prophetic call to others turn into anger or vengeance against them. If we do not forgive each other, embracing a spirit of nonviolence, we cannot expect God to forgive us. We are invited to reflect with gratitude on all the failings, sins, and abuse of creation that God has forgiven us and is now calling us to confront, heal and transform. The call to be prophetic, yet patient, non-judgmental, and forgiving with each other if we hope God to forgive us extends to all the dimensions of the “integral ecological conversion” which Pope Francis identifies as the prophetic word of God to our world currently: the interconnected environmental, economic, and social dimensions.
We must recognize that an ecological debt is always connected to commercial imbalances with effects on the environment (LS151), especially where we barely think that the very gifts are to be shared with others, especially with the poor. It is quite easy to get the message and miss the meaning. In this season of Creation, we are invited to notice how our hearts may be trapped in seeing all things coming our way, trapped in fear and greed. We are called personal and communal conversion. “Don’t toss, but bin it” is a good habit that must be employed by all.
For the sick
Let us continue to pray for the sick members of our parish especially Benedicta Ngwebelele, Phoebe Ngwenya and Andrew Ledwaba.
Rev. Fr. Nobert Munekani SJ