Pastor’s Corner for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A, by Fr. Nobert Munekani SJ
Final Week of the Season of Creation: Justice to creation is the fulfilment of God’s Will.
SUNDAY READINGS: Ez. 18, 25-28. Phil 2, 1-11 (or 2, 1-5). Mtt 21, 28-32. The whole Season of Creation is inspired by the words of the Prophet Amos; “let justice and peace flow (5:24). As Christians are called to join the river of justice and peace, to accept the issue of climate and ecological justice, and to speak for the voiceless. As we end this season of Creation, the question of Jesus becomes particularly important “Which one did the Father’s will? We cannot afford to be bystanders and watch the plight of creation.
The Prophet Ezekiel cautions us, that we can no longer say, that the crisis we face is because the Lord is unjust. Our actions are unjust, we have abandoned one interconnectedness and harmony of God’s creation. St. Paul says, “nothing in us must be against Christ, being of a single mind, one in love, one in heart and one in mind. Do all things in humility for the glory of God that is to be revealed at the end of time” (Phil 2,4-5). Whose voice will you listen? What are you going to do?
Pope Francis’s message: “Truly, much can be done” (LS 180), provided we come together like so many streams, brooks, and rivulets, merging finally in a mighty river to irrigate the life of our marvellous planet and our human family for generations to come. “How can we contribute to the mighty river of justice and peace? What can a Christian do to heal our common home so that it can once again teem with life, where we can all live in peace and harmony together?” (Message of His Holiness for World Day Prayer for the Care of Creation).
“Ecological conversion” – we must be resolved to transform our hearts. Ecological education – our lifestyle must change. Ecological advocacy – the life-giving public policies must be implemented. This modus of ‘ecological spirituality’ was encouraged by St. John Paul II to be embraced; “the renewal of our relationship with creation so that we no longer see it as an object to be exploited but cherish it instead as a sacred gift from our Creator” to be enjoyed by all (LS 202-215).
POSSIBLE ACTIONS FOR JUSTICE FOR CREATION: ADVOCACY Community activity of planting a tree, or seed Sunday, outdoor prayer service; recite the Canticle of St. Francis of Assisi Actions should include ensuring equitable access to education for all and promoting human rights, fostering Laudato Si’ themes within the community, encouraging ecological leadership, and ecological restoration activities. What can I (we) do this week in line with the above sharing? What change have I made in this Season?
For the sick
Let us continue to pray for the sick members of our parish especially Benedicta Ngwebelele, Phoebe Ngwenya and Andrew Ledwaba.
Rev. Fr. N. Munekani SJ